
Clinic Hours

9:00am – 5:00pm (Mon-Fri) 

Dr. Mrinalini Singh


Dr. Henna Poonekar


A Strychnos Tale (Case-1)

Its middle of June, 2023 , clock ticking 10.30 am. A really hot day and I’m in chamber attending patients, 2 more in queue and then a patient in his mid 40s walks in the OPD, all sweaty, tired looking, staggering gait as if he will fall. He was aided immediately by the patients in queue and offered water, I just observed and he was calm again within few moments. He was sitting on the bench trying to sit straight but again resting against the wall , constantly rubbing his hands, itching here and there, obviously not at ease but appeared breathing calmly.

 After I attended prior patients, he enters the cabin again with heavy breathing, sweating a lot, eyes tired and puffy; I was confused whether its the weather or something else.

First thing, Mam- I have pain in knees, both medial side since last 9-10 years which is better with constant motion and gets aggravated after I take rest, no thermal relations. I said ok, please elaborate to which he said nothing else. I insisted, then he kept a bunch of other prescriptions on table asking me to go through; you don’t see people like that so often. After giving a quick brushing I came to know he has been on medicine for hypertension since last 4-5 years. He suffered with frequent cold, coryza with constant sneezing, was operated for DNS as well. The patient was very soft spoken but every action was giving a sense of irritability and now I was about to know the reason behind that. Any guesses? He was suffering with multiple complains since almost a decade and was most of the time keeping away from Family, alone far from home. He had sleeping troubles , was on Nerve treatments, yet the day he came had no sleep last night, his eyes burning followed by loose stools that very morning.

Frustation & irritability is obvious, isn;t it?

I was not done with my questions yet, so I continued-

Patient :

Appetite- well I get hungry Mam but if I eat full , I become uneasy and its a trouble because I’m a foodie , I love scrumptious foods especially sweets, ice creams, chocolates, spicy curries etc. Well, last night had a dinner party which was followed by heartburn , sleeplessness and loose motion that very morning.

Thirst- not much

Bowels- As expected irregular, constipated , had to go twice- thrice daily , yet not clear.

On asking about any other Medical History, he had a fall on back few years ago.

Patient still narrating all complains, wiping sweat from forehead, all cloths wet and some scratching here n there, so I asked about what’s that bothering him , upon that answer came, although I catch cold easily even sneezing over 30 times at a go, yet cant tolerate heat as it causes skin to itch & burn.

Every symptom in this case was indicating a different medicine, I was really confused how to decide, as he couldn’t tolerate a tight collar as well, had a stiff neck because of the injury due to the fall.

I had to scratch in the mentals, emotions of patient now, as a Homeopath to get the perfect Similimum For this case.

My Remedy search started with Phosphorus- Sulphur, Pulsatilla, Arsenic- Lachesis and ended at Nux Vomica (the Strychinine) , the game changer was when Jealousy was overpowered by the will of being better at work and the competitiveness brought up the anxiety, long sufferings  causing irritability. Approaching the doctor causing shoot in BP. That day BP was recorded 150/100 mm Hg on rt hand. With some help of a mother tincture, many are aware of – Rawolfia . (caution: mother tinctures effect doesnt lasts without the main remedy).

Believe it or not, 1 simple medicine on SOS basis, with slight variation in potencies, has all in control since then.

Recent visit last month- only thing to left to care about is Occasional BP fluctuation. No more heartburns, knee pain was gone with a month, sleep was better within a week and so was itching. He has never returned with frequent sneezing or cold coryza which is only once or twice a year now. BP still varying sometimes but barely crossing the limit of 140/90 mm Hg, so its improving as well. Patient is calm and no more nervousness as before.

Case number-431/ record no.4 @drmrinalinishomeoclinic

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