It was during the second wave of Covid – 19. I had just re-established my OPD from South Kolkata to New Town post Covid (1st wave). The second wave was more devastating than the 1st one and I had to temporarily close my clinic in lesser than 2 months of its opening. By that time people had become accustomed to Online consultation , so it was not a total shut down for me, though being new to the place. The role of medicines like Arsenic & Bryonia during the covid time had re-infused the faith of people in homeopathy, and being only Homeopathic Practitioner in the vicinity of my new set up, kept me in demand.
So, I have never met this patient in person, a couple of video consultations, a remarkable recovery tale of postpartum Hemmorhoids, came into existence.
It was mid-May, and my all family members doing rounds of isolation and being tested for COVID-19 one by one. God had been merciful to me to care for them and spared me of Covid. A patient calls if I could treat piles, I said yes but a case history is a must.
Story begins:
A woman-
- aged 35yrs,
- Mother of 2
- from a conservative family,
- last Caesarean in March 2021.
- Menses usually running late by 4-5 days.
She had –
- persistent complain of constipation during her pregnancy,
- had a bleeding per recta ( bleeding from rectum) post the child birth.
- Treatment couldn’t specify.
She had –
- never been well since then,
- though bleeding stopped
- but bowels were never good.
She had been suffering with severe constipation ever since.
So, what brings her to me now??
Well, –
- it had become unbearably painful, burning
- she could not sit.
- Piles which were bleeding probably after child birth had turned out to become external with persistent hard stools.
- Lot of pain even while passing stool
- Being mother of 2, it was being very difficult situation for her. An infant to nurse, another child 4years old, husband and family, on top of that lockdown!!
- No bleeding yet, burning- painful , making it impossible for her to sit.
This woman was
- moderately built and
- fond of rich foods including, red meat and milk craving was intense., and so was her thirst.
On enquiring further, she revealed-
- she had frequent dreams of her child being lost ,
- though having sound sleep.
- loved winter, actually in Kolkata most of the people love winters as its pleasant here.
- Regarding her sweat- I was told that she sweats only if she is on the move.
- She had trouble with heated arguements and humid heat.
- She was on Thyronorm- 25mcg since her last pregnancy.
It was 2 months old suffering and tried and tested of various allopathic , ayurvedic and some homeopathic medicines as well. Nonetheless, patient was not in a healthy state. So with this, detailed case, a single remedy was prescribed with clear guidance –to be taken as Sos at requisite intervals, only 4 doses given in total. A side help of an ointment was taken to sooth the pain for first 5 days.
1st-Follow up was done a month later in June. Patient was quite happy and contend, revealing-
- No more pain
- No burning
- No external piles
- No bleeding
- Bowel regular but still having hard stools
- No more dreams of child being lost
Since, the last prescribed remedy had done its work well, I chose to continue with the same and gave it again , this time only 2 doses, SOS strictly and asked her to not repeat before 2 weeks, if stools doesnt improve.
The patient was advised to avoid red meat completely till her constipation subsides totally and to take some time for herself too, even if it is 15 minutes of strolling.
2nd-Follow up was after my clinic started operating offline again in mid July, with a new patient referred by the same patient.
This lady had recovered completely.
Case no. 20, Clinic Record 1
Dr. Mrinalini’s Homeo Clinic