06 January 2025
Aachuu!! Aaachi!!
Stuffy nose,
Constant wiping watery eyes & nose,
Heaviness in the head or headache,
Uff!! Eyes are burning, body aching- Fever ??
Maybe a bit of a scratchy throat as well, aha aha!!
All these symptoms, or some of these symptoms, we get during seasonal changes, more commonly when there is a lot of fluctuation in temperature. These days in winter, we see a spike in such cases due to poor air quality. So, what do we do? Reach the nearest pharmacy or order online without a prescription, without consultation, and order the list with anti-pyretic, anti-allergic & anti-biotics, few even go for a variety of nasal sprays as well.
We forget why doctors are there in society, and this negligence is leading to various health hazards due to improper medicine usage. It’s common knowledge that for fever, one takes Paracetamol but are you aware of when to take it? How to take it? Dosage? Duration? Barely!! Improper usage of any medicine is harmful, in the case of antipyretics like Paracetamol- it may lead to acidity, dyspepsia, even bleeding in the gut, liver damage, kidney malfunction, etc. So what next?
People try hands-on Homeopathy, thinking it is safe, and there is no side effects. Here comes misuse again. Unlike allopathic medicines, here people think, it is totally harmless to take as much medicine but really sorry to say, it is not; medicine is medicine. Homeopathic medicines do have medicinal aggravations, which is a common myth among people saying that- homeopathy medicines first aggravate your complaint and then cure it, not always correct. Besides, unlike other systems of medicine, multiple medicines are barely required or absolutely not required if prescribed in the classical method. We prefer single medicine covering all the symptoms of a sick individual and we take immense pleasure in treating these acute cases of seasonal changes especially flu-like diseases effectively & quickly with minimal medications.
Minimal medicines ensure- minimal chance of aggravation, so minimal discomfort & a perfect similimum remedy get instant results. It is not really anything near to other medicinal systems that you have to take multiple medicines or medicines for individual symptoms separately. People come to us, please give something for fever, Arey where is the medicine for cough? What about headaches? Oh please give me a medicine for stuffy nose? What about allergy? Rest assured, your health is our prime concern as a dedicated Homeopathic Physician, we understand you well and try our best to give you the best-suited remedy for the occasion.
We have wonderful medicines like Calc Carb, Lycopodium , Nux vomica which work wonderfully in Rhinitis cases, then- Aconite, Belladonna, Nux vomica, Arsenic for fever, All-cepa, Arsenic, Lemna for coryza, belladonna, phosphorus, hepar for scratchy throat, Belladonna, glonine, gels for headache, Arnica, Eupatorium, Rhus tox for body ache. These are the names of the most commonly used medicines and even the most misused or abused medicines as well. It is absolutely not recommended to take medicines specifically for each symptom separately. I would like to take the example of Nux vomica- the patient feels too cold, high fever, stuffy nose, is allergic or infectious cold-cough, headache. All typical symptoms of Seasonal flu it is curing so why you need a separate medicine? Similarly Belladonna- patient falls sick after exposure to cold wind, severe headache, fever, stuffy nose, scratchy painful throat, body ache, again covering so many symptoms!! So do you really require other medicine? As a homeopath, we swim in the pool of thousands of medicines & fish out for you the most suited one as per the individual case. Neither two individuals nor the medicine are the same, for apparently similar-looking complaints.
We take note of all the important points of concern & detailed case history helps us to get through, simplifying the prescribing process. We are really pleased to see people trusting us in acute cases and the OPD footfall signifies that. Over the last couple of years, in my clinic alone- children coming with repeat cold coughs have improved so well that the kids who used to visit every 10-15 days now show up twice to thrice a year. It is God’s blessing that we are able to practice homeopathy in such a way and help improve the lives of people, just the way Dr. Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy would have imagined.